the ceo magazine, business management
Jeremy Kingsley, President, OneLife Leadership

For many of us-especially those who had lost count of the polar vortexes by mid-January-winter can't end soon enough.

But the transition is rarely an orderly one. It often starts with a deceptively sunny day in February. Everybody breaks out their light jackets and starts talking about taking walks at lunch, and then a couple of days later comes a blast of freezing temperatures and new snow, which in turn gives way to chilly rain and slush. People trot out the old joke about "if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes."

Dr. Rebecca Bigler, director of The University of Texas at Austin’s Gender and Racial Attitudes Lab, has done a number of experiments with preschoolers and colored T-shirts.  In one, she took a classroom of 4 and 5 year olds and put half in red T shirts and the other half in blue T shirts .  The children wore these colored T shirts for three weeks but teachers were instructed not to notice or mention the colors in any way.  At the end of the three weeks, children were asked to evaluate the skill, abilities, characteristics, and intelligence of each group.  

With so much of the focus these days being placed on a company’s external messaging, it can be easy to lose focus on your internal communications with employees. The fact is, even excellent ideas don’t amount to much if you can’t communicate the finer points of them to your team.
Here are some tips for effective internal communications.

Be Concise
Nothing tests people’s attention spans like a rambling, long-winded speech. If you’ve got a point to make, communicate it to your team with clear, declarative language, and save the pomp for your memoirs.

the ceo magazine, business management

Baloney and blarney share more than similar letter configuration. Each denotes a kind of communication that serves the speaker but not the listener. More sweetened and humorous, blarney uses flattery to deceive and beguile, while baloney does both without the witty flavor. But the outcome remains the same. The listener has not been well served by the exchange.

By D. Luke Iorio, PCC, CPC, ELI-MP, President & CEO at iPEC

The majority of leadership articles focus on what you can do to better lead, impact, and influence others. However, leading others isn’t possible unless you’re, first, leading yourself.

Those around you follow your lead, right? At least that’s the intention.



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