leadership tips - the ceo magazine
John O. Alizor Phd

In every company there is at least one employee that feels that he or she knows more than the boss and everyone else.

I have always wrestled with how the bosses deal with the unleadables, specifically if they are top producers when it comes to the bottom line. Let me introduce to you Marywise, a top producer in a global financial company. She earns six figures in salary, bonuses, and commission. 

Human stars create energy in the organization, often causing explosions of ideas that send shock waves throughout the industry. The human supernovae also influence the formation of other luminaries. To position your company for growth in a global economy and to create the agility to respond to future unforeseen turbulence, you need to create the atmospheric conditions that will allow the stars to shine.

succession planning the ceo magazine
Samantha Howland, Senior Managing Partner, Decision Strategies International 

Many organizations face a critical talent transition over the next decade. As experienced, senior leaders reach retirement age, trustees and senior executives cite succession planning as a crucial challenge considering the risks and requirements for smooth leadership transitions.

corporate culture the ceo magazine
Dr. Victor Allis, CEO, Quintiq

In the modern workplace, creating a corporate culture that helps engage employees is a hot topic, and has become a key factor in improving workforce retention and productivity. Yet as companies develop strategies to better engage their workforce, they often miss the opportunity to reevaluate company values and reflect on how employees validate their identity and stake within the company.

brainstorming - the CEO magazine
Keith Harmeyer and Mitchell Rigie

Not so long ago, a business could thrive for decades on just one great idea. But in today's innovation-driven marketplace, in order to remain relevant and successful you need a big idea every year, every quarter, or in some industries, every few days.

While many new innovation methodologies have been developed, group brainstorming, in one form or another, is still the most widely utilized process for generating and developing ideas. But while brainstorming can be a productive way to solve problems and capitalize on opportunities, far too often the process gets hijacked by disruptive individuals who undermine their team's efforts.



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