The whole is greater than the sum of its parts – Aristotle.

What will make your life whole? What does this equation look like? The whole of your life done well makes for exponential happiness. Its greater than the sum of its parts! Take for example the great Steve Jobs. He achieved amazing success in business, yet he believed his life was a disappointment. What if the sum of a great life, great family and great business achievements were all his?


In communication the number three is an important number. From childhood we remember Ready, Set, Go, the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, and breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So it should come as no surprise that my most recent CEO lessons came in a series of three.

the ceo magazine, customer experience,
Chip R. Bell, Author, Kaleidoscope:  Delivering Innovative Service That Sparkles

As grandparents, my wife and I are in the middle of brainstorming cool presents for our three granddaughters.  Over the Thanksgiving holidays, we asked them for suggestions.  The 10 and 12 year olds took a clipboard and made a list, complete with brand names and model numbers.  But, the 8 year old took a completely different approach.  On the clipboard under her name she wrote, “Just surprise me!”

This time of year many are focused on the holidays, giving gifts to special customers and rewarding employees for the past year. I would suggest that this is the time to put something else on your “list”- a gift to your company.  As we close out the year, here are some suggestions for things you should consider.

Research and Resources

Leadership has been the tip of everyone’s tongue of the last decade. From convention keynoters, to coaches, to political pundits, everyone insists they want a cadre of leaders to carry out their mission.

So for all the talk, techniques, training, and tips on the leadership topic, you’d think managers, executives, and professionals at all levels would have the concept down pat by now.  Not so.  A few are still off track.

Leadership Defined: It’s NOT a Position



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