Guest Blogger

Posts by Thought Leaders and Business Leaders who are not our regular bloggers but have valuable insights and personal stories to share with our readers.

Bill Ballester

During my years as a coach and business consultant, I have been asked many times if there is a secret to winning. I know of no secret; however, I have a very simple answer: ---------- teams that solve the most problems win. The answer is that simple: “Those who solve the most problems win.”

For me, a problem is anything that stands between where I am and where I want to be; some call these things barriers, obstacles, or roadblocks. Many business consultants prefer to call them challenges rather than problems. I believe that when teams don’t address their challenges, they become problems.

the ceo magazine

The emotion-based approach to preparing a speech is a novel idea in verbal communications. It considers a speech as an emotional journey for the speaker and his audience. The focus on emotions helps speakers prepare memorable speeches and impact their audience.

How would you prepare a speech for a dinner gala? Let’s follow the steps to write an emotion-based speech.

the ceo magazine, marketing
Scott Addis, CEO, The Addis Group

In today’s dog eat dog business environment, it is essential that you develop a strategy to stand out in a crowded marketplace… to separate yourself from your competition.  Simply put, to be different! 

Theodore Levitt, the renowned economist, professor at Harvard Business School and editor of The Harvard Business Review had the following to say in his 1991 book entitled Thinking About Management:

“Differentiation is one of the most important strategic and tactical activities in which individuals and companies must constantly engage.  It is not discretionary.  And, everything can be differentiated, even so called commodities such as cement, copper, wheat, money, air cargo and insurance.” 

ceo magazine, communication
Ted Gorski, President, Get Your Edge, LLC

In today’s corporate world, leaders need excellent communication skills. Many are being asked to do more with fewer resources while also dealing with the stresses of a corporation that is downsizing and/or tightening budgets. To remain effective, leaders need near perfect communication skills regardless of their own communication type.  Understanding the style of the person you are communicating with can make the difference between getting your message across and getting it across well.

ceo magazine, marketing
Jim Porçarelli, Executive Vice President, Active International

Significant shifts in the media and marketing landscape will dramatically impact companies’ priorities as they determine their marketing and overall business plans this year. Sticking to the status quo will cause many to fall behind. As a result, executives must encourage their marketing teams to forge ahead into what may be uncharted territory. With media and marketing tactics evolving at a rapid pace, marketers will need to make holistic changes to their marketing strategies and begin testing and embracing the new order. Big developments to expect this year are the extensive use of programmatic buying, the market valuation of native advertising, and the surge of new technologies and media outlets.



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