Nick Vaidya


Journey Healing Centers are world-class locations that surround you with warmth and serenity to help a person heal from the curse of alcoholism and drug addiction. Started by a former victim of addiction and his wife, who are not venture capitalists, clinical psychologists, or serial entrepreneurs, these rehabilitation centers are hugely more successful compared to the averages. Josh Lannon’s example is not a "success by landing into the lap of opportunity" story. It is a story of "success by design".

When a 75 year old man commits suicide in front of a speeding train because he lost a big chunk of his billions, while still holding on to $8 billions, it makes you feel quite certain that Heaven and Hell are not interglactic locations but rather our own states of minds. I bet what he left behind would have made the heavens (at least momentarily) for a lot of people. But at least the old man got out of his misery, even if it was all self created.

No one in his or her sane mind could ever want their child to grow up to be like Michael Jackson. Yet we spend oodles of hours on training to talent but little on strengthening the intellect. We stuff children with facts and train them to use intelligence. Yet the education system fails our kids. We have "virtual" everything but not virtual experiences that can help kids grow up to be more successful people. We all could do better with superior understanding of the cause and effect nature our beliefs, attitudes, choices and actions. We simply do not have a handle on the Art of Living.

A website has to be like an octopus. It needs tentacles into major "people pools": Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube, etc. Where people are is where you need to be with an attractive playground for people to come and play. Everything else is logistics. This needs strategic thinking. Putting up a fan page or group or channel is not sufficient. It needs to be a source of interaction. There are a limited number of playgrounds needed so you have to hurry or you will miss the big boat and will have to swim all by yourself.

The main job of business leaders, whether they be CEOs or entrepreneurs managing firms of varying sizes, is to take good decisions, or more appropriately make the right choices for their business. The kind and combination of choices they make determines the success or failure of their organization. Strategy development involves making choices and so does execution. But the rapidly changing business landscape of most industries frequently overtakes that ability of individual CEOs, for they are after all human beings with limitations in experience, knowledge and thought processes.


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