Todd Williams

Todd Williams’ goal is to improve how companies implement their strategic plans.  Utilizing twenty-five years of experience he helps companies ranging from start-ups to multi-billion dollar corporations achieve their goals. 

Picture of decision dice

"People say I am indecisive, but I am not so sure about that." I have seen this quote attributed to a former US President, but I doubt he actually said this. First, it is too humorous a comment for him and, second, he is far from indecisive. The liberal pundits trying to attribute that quote to him confuse indecision with defective decision making. You can figure out who the President is on your own; however, it is irrelevant. This  is about leadership not politics. Organizations confronted with a decision-challenged individual in a leadership role, is adrift in the sea of serendipity. They bobble around having no direction.

Project Managers have to lead more than their team, they also have to lead their stakeholders.

"Project management is easy. We have been managing people for hundreds of years. Just take any manager, give them a project, and tell them to get it done." Experienced project managers will accurately predict the end of this story—there is a disproportionate chance this project will fail. Rather than "manager" being the key noun, a leader is required to deliver project value on time and within budget. To distinguish the project manager further—functional managers need only manage subordinates, while successful project managers lead extended project teams. This fundamental difference drastically increases the project manager's scope of the responsibility, since the project team includes an entire flock of stakeholders.

What you need for a successful CRM implementation
Todd C. Williams, Founder & President, eCameron, Inc.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementations fail at an alarming rate. In fact, your implementation probably will not meet your goals either. I have heard of few that actually do meet their goals. Unfortunately, the primary reason is not software difficulties. Regardless of what Salesforce and Microsoft tell you, neither of their platforms are easy to implement. But the real reason they fail is a lot closer to home and may be looking at you in the mirror every morning.

Newspaper Headlines
Todd C. Williams, Founder & President, eCameron, Inc.

We have all seen the headlines. Day after day, government projects seem to fail, costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Transparency in the public sector makes these failures good press fodder. However, the failure rate is not much less in the private sector. And, you would be crazy to think a good investigative reporter would not salivate over finding a similar story in your company.

Blame destroys motivation and trust
Todd C. Williams, Founder & President, eCameron, Inc.

Listening to last year's debate on the troubles with the website it struck me how the blame game destroys business. What at times was more finger pointing than substantive debate about the Obamacare website revolved around "who are we going to fire" rather than how do we make government projects successful and prevent reoccurring failures. And, just when I thought it was over, earlier this week I heard Bill O'Reilly, amidst a solid grilling of President Obama, ask "Why didn't you fire Sebelius?"



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