Stories and lessons from the struggle and success of those who have realized their entrepreneurial dreams whether as first timers or veterans.

the ceo magazine, marketing,
Gerri Knilans, President, Trade Press Services

            CEOs run organizations. They are the highest-level executive officers in the company, and their primary duties include driving revenue and profit, making major corporate decisions and managing the overall operations and resources of a company. Even if the company is small, there’s still only one person at the top responsible for those key functions.As business becomes more competitive, complex and global, the need for CEOs to expand their knowledge beyond finance and operations to sales and marketing is an imperative.

Leaders Must Have the “Edge” to Drive Change

Leaders Must Have the “Edge” to Drive Change

This article is the third in the “All Change is Personal” series looking at three traps that leaders need to manage in order to steward their organization through change efforts.  To read the first two articles in the series and learn what Trap’s #1 and #2 are, click here:

Trap #3:  Lacking Sufficient Edge to Get the Job Done

Pop quiz here:

  • Do you sometimes second-guess yourself about decisions until opportunities pass?
  • Do colleagues and clients frequently seek your opinion on their big decisions?
  • Do you often get feedback on the quality of your contributions in meetings?
  • Do those meeting ideas produce the results you intend?

Like artists, wise leaders analyze and focus on a situation or problem. Then they decide and act. And even then, as theologian and author Oswald Chambers put it: “It’s never wise to be cocksure.”



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