Stories and lessons from the struggle and success of those who have realized their entrepreneurial dreams whether as first timers or veterans.

the ceo magazine, shares,
Andrew Eisenberg, Partner, Lee & Hayes

When a company is set up, there are many aspects to consider; one such aspect is the allocation of company shares.

Many founders dislike the idea of vesting shares to founders, themselves, and, instead, grant shares outright. The problem is that it’s very common for at least one founder to leave a company early on – whether it’s a disagreement, a change in circumstances, or a dream job.


In communication the number three is an important number. From childhood we remember Ready, Set, Go, the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, and breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So it should come as no surprise that my most recent CEO lessons came in a series of three.

Silicon Valley’s aura is unique. Try though they might, other localities have yet to replicate it and likely never will.

In The Valley where I helped drive the semiconductor industry, we thrive on doing, and every vector of activity is based on doing things big. Nobody in the Silicon Valley technology world dreams of starting anything less than a global business. A good starting point for us is a million customers or users. Changing the world is considered the norm. In a word, Silicon Valley’s culture is geared to the exceptional.



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