Those who can't manage themselves can't be expected to manage anything else either.

the ceo magazine, self help,
David Wimer

Some of the most enjoyable and creative moments as a business owner have been when I’m quiet and alone. Why? Because aloneness is a state where I can contemplate and reflect.  My hectic schedule of client appointments, speaking engagements and a sundry of other business and family commitments, including deadlines for articles and advice provide for a demanding owner’s schedule to produce something of value.

the ceo magazine, self help
Probably everyone reading this article can ride a bike. In my neighborhood riding a bike was a rite of passage, a means of transportation, and a symbol of freedom. People from all walks of life and economic backgrounds know how to ride bikes. You might call it a universal success story of learning. And once you know how to ride a bike, you never forget.
What explains the success of this nearly universal skill acquisition? And what can these answers teach us about other kinds of learning? 
the ceo magazine
Suzanne Evans

So you decided to seize your dream and start your own business. Unfortunately, your fledgling company is losing altitude fast. Despite putting in the work, you’re not seeing the profits. No matter how much you scour profit-and-loss statements, analyze your data, tweak your advertising, encourage your employees, or suck up to potential clients, you can’t move the needle. It feels hopeless, like the Universe is conspiring against you.



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