Those who can't manage themselves can't be expected to manage anything else either.

communication the ceo magazine
Kelly Walsh

The never-ending struggle of reconciling a professional life with, well, any other kind of life, is often considered as a question of balance. How do I balance personal relationships and professional ambitions? How can I juggle the demands of my job and my family? Amid all this talk of balancing and juggling, I’d like to throw in my two cents and say that I find the best, most apt metaphor for work-life harmony to be that of a teeter-totter.

psychology the ceo magazine
Steven Mundahl

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Weiner and General David Petraeus all share something in common. They were all intelligent leaders who indulged in self-destructive, risky behavior. As I began writing a book on authentic leadership, I found myself drawn to research the reasons behind such actions. Together with my wife, a psychotherapist and business coach, we discovered that Americans leaders have NOT lost their collective willpower or hit an all-time ethics low.

mentor coach ceo magazine
Linda Drumright, General Manager, Clinical Trial Optimization Solutions, IMS

Mentoring has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my career. Over the years, I have learned a tremendous amount about myself from my work with some of my most determined mentees. Regardless of whether we had similar industry affiliations or career disciplines along our unique paths we were able to help each other expand through our commitment to each other.



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