Formulate, articulate, communicate, cajole, and inspire individuals and teams to collaborate to create a future that becomes your legacy.

Human stars create energy in the organization, often causing explosions of ideas that send shock waves throughout the industry. The human supernovae also influence the formation of other luminaries. To position your company for growth in a global economy and to create the agility to respond to future unforeseen turbulence, you need to create the atmospheric conditions that will allow the stars to shine.

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Linda Drumright, General Manager, Clinical Trial Optimization Solutions, IMS

Mentoring has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my career. Over the years, I have learned a tremendous amount about myself from my work with some of my most determined mentees. Regardless of whether we had similar industry affiliations or career disciplines along our unique paths we were able to help each other expand through our commitment to each other.

succession planning the ceo magazine
Samantha Howland, Senior Managing Partner, Decision Strategies International 

Many organizations face a critical talent transition over the next decade. As experienced, senior leaders reach retirement age, trustees and senior executives cite succession planning as a crucial challenge considering the risks and requirements for smooth leadership transitions.



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