The people part of business operations.

Apology speeches are best when they actually include an apology.

An apology needs to be an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense. An apology means something when the audience decides that it is authentic. The audience decides not the speaker. It is not an authentic apology until the audience identifies and accepts it as an authentic apology. Unless and until the audience decides that the apology is at the very least an “I’m sorry” and at the very most “I was wrong,” it does not count as an apology.

the ceo magazine, leadership
Jeremy Kingsley, President, OneLife Leadership

The Underground Railroad is a remarkable chapter in American history. It assisted thousands of enslaved people-maybe as many as 100,000-in escaping to freedom under conditions of grave danger. And it did it with no formal leadership, structure, or staff.

As we commemorate Black History Month, it's an especially apt time to look at some of what the Underground Railroad can teach us about bringing people together to accomplish great things.

the ceo magazine, customer retention
Chip R. Bell, author, The 9½ Principles of Innovative Service

Organizations struggle to unravel the real reasons their valued customers leave.  Most gather explanations as a customer closes an account.  What they learn is almost always a tiny glimpse at a misleading symptom and almost never the accurate diagnosis of the true issue. For example, customers rarely leave because of price, changing needs, or poor quality.  Customer insights come from methods that unearth the truth rather than a conflict-avoiding excuse.  Customer forensics® is the deliberate study of the accurate reasons customers leave. 



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