The people part of business operations.

the ceo magazine, project litigation, contracts, agreements,
Todd C. Williams, Founder & President, eCameron, Inc.

Your day is packed with meetings. You walk into your office with a plan to complete dozens of tasks. Then you see the note. It simply says “Call your attorney…” You think she is about to give you the go ahead on that new contract when she says, “You just got a subpoena on the NewCo Project. They are steaming mad that we have not delivered their product to specification.” You get that nauseating feeling that this is going to be a long day… no… a long year. The subpoena gives you four weeks to provide every contract, statement of work, change order, log, email, document, physical mail, specification, test document, picture, drawing, scratch note, etc. that ever existed on their project. You really thought you had solved this issue. You reflect back on the project and wonder how many corners were cut for the sake of getting sign off.  They never did accept the product.

There is no doubt about it. It is hard to keep things moving along during the holidays. Clients are busy trying to wrap up their year-end and are pressing with last minute requests before budgets disappear. There are projects that they need to get rolling in 2014 after the long holiday season. There are extended vacations. There are stops and starts because Christmas and the New Year fall within the week. Let’s face it… it is a wonder anything can get done. Staying productive during this or any holiday season requires a huge effort. There are a few different schools of thought about how to accomplish that.

ceo magazine

Back in the days of yore when I started my consulting career, diversity issues dominated the agendas of military social action groups and the burgeoning human resource movement. People wanted inclusion, equitable pay, and fairness in hiring and promotion. New terms like “affirmative action” and “quotas” started to creep into the vernacular, and people reacted with varying degrees of confusion, delight, and angst.



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