Sales is a company wide responsibility to help the frontline sales person capture revenue and keep the buyer financially engaged with the firm.

the ceo magazine, attract customers,
Aaron Allred, Founder & CEO, Simple Finance

We have conversations with hundreds of retailers every month, and one topic emerges in nearly every conversation: the number of customers leaving a store empty-handed because they didn’t qualify for credit.

the ceo magazine, sales management,
Brian W. Sullivan, co-author of SANDLER ENTERPRISE SELLING:  Winning, Growing, And Retaining Major Accounts

In selling, we all work with logical groupings of our accounts, both clients and prospects, to add clarity to our sales and service efforts. For example, we group by industry, account size, geography, and commercial vs. public sector. We create these groupings to be more effective and efficient in our efforts to win business and expand accounts.

Travel is essential to SME success in today’s global, hyper-connected workplace. Employees working with customers across the country or throughout the world is not uncommon – in fact, it’s quickly becoming the norm. While travel is essential to developing and maintaining important relationships, providing needed support and securing new business, this piece of your company’s budget can also be one of the most expensive elements of your operating budget.



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