By D. Luke Iorio, PCC, CPC, ELI-MP, President & CEO at iPEC

The majority of leadership articles focus on what you can do to better lead, impact, and influence others. However, leading others isn’t possible unless you’re, first, leading yourself.

Those around you follow your lead, right? At least that’s the intention.

Blame destroys motivation and trust
Todd C. Williams, Founder & President, eCameron, Inc.

Listening to last year's debate on the troubles with the website it struck me how the blame game destroys business. What at times was more finger pointing than substantive debate about the Obamacare website revolved around "who are we going to fire" rather than how do we make government projects successful and prevent reoccurring failures. And, just when I thought it was over, earlier this week I heard Bill O'Reilly, amidst a solid grilling of President Obama, ask "Why didn't you fire Sebelius?"

the ceo magazine

The beginning of the year is an excellent time to assess your goals and to ensure you are on the right path to achieving them. If you continually seem to not be able to meet a particular goal, something needs to change. However, it might not be what you think.



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