the ceo magazine, ipo process,
David Spitz, CEO, ChannelAdvisor

I’ll never forget the sound of the bell ringing. As I stood on the platform of the New York Stock Exchange, surrounded by our senior leadership team, I knew it was a moment I would never forget. The jubilation was like the final ringing of the class bell on the last day of school. But this wasn’t an ending — this was the beginning of a new era. On May 23, 2013, ChannelAdvisor went public.

The process of filing an initial public offering (IPO) certainly didn’t start there — it ramped up almost a year earlier, in what felt like a lifetime. IPOs are a spectacle. They’re thrilling, exhausting, time-consuming and rewarding, all at the same time. At a high level, the process looks like this:

Andy Duncan, Founder, Netslingers

Most companies rejoice in gradual steady upward progress in revenues and after-tax profit. But what if an organization wants exponential growth instead? How is that achieved? One essential to realizing extraordinary growth comes from the belief or expectation that it CAN happen. Exceptional results are produced from visionaries who are blind to the ordinary, and Steve Jobs’ quote is always a good example of that principle: "We're here to put a dent in the universe.”

~~In this morning’s Wall Street Journal, writer Ben Fritz talks about Disney’s ability to turn movie hits into “Profits Ever After.” Each movie mega hit becomes its’ own franchise, with a dedicated team focused on turning that movie hit into successful and profitable rides, toys, clothes, video games and more. In the advertising business, we would call this “having legs.”



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