the ceo magazine, leadership
Jeremy Kingsley, President, OneLife Leadership

The Underground Railroad is a remarkable chapter in American history. It assisted thousands of enslaved people-maybe as many as 100,000-in escaping to freedom under conditions of grave danger. And it did it with no formal leadership, structure, or staff.

As we commemorate Black History Month, it's an especially apt time to look at some of what the Underground Railroad can teach us about bringing people together to accomplish great things.

ceo magazine, entrepreneurship
Shannon Waller

Would you like to have a Self-Managing Company? Even though I haven't said what a "Self-Managing Company" is, I bet you can picture what that would mean for you—and you want one!

As a business leader, you took the risks of starting a company, building the organization, and working out how to create value for your clientele. During this process, a lot of the responsibility for growing the company naturally fell on your shoulders. However, as the business continues to grow, it doesn't make sense for you to be the only one holding that responsibility.

Then comes your greatest challenge. Coach Dambrot calls it instinct; I call it your Inner Brilliance. You want to prepare and practice. Then when the spotlight of life is on you, you want YOU to come out.

30 million presentations are given every day. 90% are unbearable. Included in these numbers are countless CEO presentations. CEO’s speak to their Board, Bank, and other CEO’s. Sometimes they even speak to their employees in companywide meetings. How does an otherwise dynamic CEO become boring as a speaker?



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