Apology speeches are best when they actually include an apology.

An apology needs to be an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense. An apology means something when the audience decides that it is authentic. The audience decides not the speaker. It is not an authentic apology until the audience identifies and accepts it as an authentic apology. Unless and until the audience decides that the apology is at the very least an “I’m sorry” and at the very most “I was wrong,” it does not count as an apology.

Keith Dambrot, says it this way, the worst thing you can do is make a gifted player over-think.  As Men’s Basketball Coach at The University of Akron and the first person to discover LeBron James on the elementary school playgrounds of Akron Oh, he should know. Great players play all on instinct versus thinking he claims. Sure, they have to learn the system and the plays. Then the challenge is to play by instinct when there is no time left on the clock.



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