the ceo magazine, leadership
John S. Medley, PhD

As an entrepreneur or chief executive officer, you may find yourself to be successful because you believe in yourself, a higher being, or you practice a daily routine of a healthful diet, exercise, and rest. Thus, you may feel that you are a master of your domain and in possession of an inner mental strength that is self-proven. Others may base the strength of their success solely on their religion.

the ceo magazine, leadership

Are you often faced with conflicting situations and mixed-message demands from your board, your team, key stakeholders, and the market?  Take risks to grow dramatically and protect your current stability.  Seek to maximize sales and watch the bottom line. Build future leaders and prove leadership excellence now.

Paradox thinking is “and” thinking.  It enables balanced management of interdependent conflicting objectives. Adopting an appreciation for paradox ends the practice of viewing conflicting needs separately and addressing one over the other. Organizations do not reach their potential when they habitually use that kind of either/or approach to challenges.  Their profit, morale, and ability to innovate suffer.

the ceo magazine, self help,
David Wimer

Some of the most enjoyable and creative moments as a business owner have been when I’m quiet and alone. Why? Because aloneness is a state where I can contemplate and reflect.  My hectic schedule of client appointments, speaking engagements and a sundry of other business and family commitments, including deadlines for articles and advice provide for a demanding owner’s schedule to produce something of value.



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