What use is there in navigating an ethical course if you're unable to influence the thoughts and actions of others? It's one thing for you to know right from wrong, and quite another to convince others to act collectively on your knowledge. To put your ethics to work, you have to be able to influence others to do the right thing.

Ethics brings to mind dusty volumes of impenetrable text, heated arguments that go nowhere, and an overbearing concern with political correctness. But my thirty years as an ethics consultant has taught me something different. Ethics is really about releasing the forces of innovation in an organization. The reason for this is simple. To have ethics in an organization is to have ways in which employees can jump the line of command without fear of reprisal. And this same jump-the-line-of-command philosophy can make innovation a powerful organizational force.

This past week we picked up a new client that had an immediate need for several videos. On less than a day’s notice two of my employees were on a plane on a Thursday to the client’s location.  Others back at the office started working on elements of the project. When the field team returned late Friday things were humming along. We had a plan.  We knew that included working on Saturday.  However, like most projects it turned out to be more complicated than anyone anticipated.



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