the ceo magazine, change makers,
Amy Radin, Author, The Change Maker’s Playbook: How to Seek, Seed and Scale Innovation In Any Company

Hard work, persistence, passion, and resourcefulness propel change makers forward. But so does the ability to spot and support other changemakers to join forces with you – to attract them to your organization, and then to help them succeed.

You may be a doer of many things, but you are also a leader, coach, and orchestra conductor as you assemble the team to advance the innovations delivering value to users and growth to your enterprise.

Piles of applications and résumés represent time to sort through applicants, attempting to match a position with a person’s expertise and skills. It would be so much faster if the unsuitable job applicants walked in with a label on their forehead: “Reject.” Then you could spend time with the best qualified candidates.

The top candidates have unique qualifications, while the worst candidates share common flaws. Here are the glaring warning signs that will help you short-circuit those time-wasting interviews in the hiring process and move on to the top talent quickly.

the ceo magazine, hiring,
Jock Purtle, Founder, Digital Exits

Any good business leader understands employees are the key to success. You may have a great product, and you may have a solid business model, but if you don’t have the right people in the trenches, then your success will be short-lived at best, if it ever comes at all.



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