the ceo magazine, innovation
Tommy Spaulding, President, Spaulding Companies

The Brown Palace Hotel in Denver has been one of the most elegant establishments in Colorado since its founding in 1892. It was named one of the world’s 500 best hotels by Travel & Leisure and every U.S. president since Teddy Roosevelt (except Calvin Coolidge) has been a guest at the Brown Palace. Dwight Eisenhower even used the hotel as his Western campaign headquarters in 1952.

Ethics brings to mind dusty volumes of impenetrable text, heated arguments that go nowhere, and an overbearing concern with political correctness. But my thirty years as an ethics consultant has taught me something different. Ethics is really about releasing the forces of innovation in an organization. The reason for this is simple. To have ethics in an organization is to have ways in which employees can jump the line of command without fear of reprisal. And this same jump-the-line-of-command philosophy can make innovation a powerful organizational force.

the ceo magazine, change management,

We create organizational cultures as we go along, sometimes consciously, often unconsciously—but always through decisions. When leaders decide to build a powerhouse of excellence, they start by asking themselves what needs to change and what should stay the same.



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