As a leader, you create the culture that either helps your teams thrive––or barely survive. Obviously, no leader intentionally stalls or stymies a team. But even the best leaders occasionally make mistakes that freeze their people rather than free them to excel. Here’s how that happens:

Avoid These 5 Mistakes Leaders Make That Cripple Teams

Mistake #1: Promising Rather Than Asking

Emotional Intelligence

As a CEO, are you investing in the development of Emotional Intelligence in your organization? If not, your competitors probably are.

Recently, there has been a resurgence in the popularity of Emotional Intelligence as evidenced in magazines articles – including Time, Inc. Magazine, Forbes, the Harvard Business Review and many more. In addition, the number of times the term Emotional Intelligence is being searched on Google has increased steadily over the past 3 years.

the ceo magazine, innovation,
Dr. Kumar Mehta, Author, The Innovation Biome

Every business leader wants to bring transformative and world changing innovation to their customers.  They want to bring new and novel value to the world, and in doing so reap the vast rewards that come with being a trailblazing innovator.  They often have multiple ideas and plans in front of them that show promise or sound good on paper, but they don’t know which ones to support and which ones to pass on.  CEOs need a consistent and systematic approach to determine which ideas to pursue.  In other words, they need a currency to effectively invest in innovation.



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