leadership qualities the ceo magazine
Jason Levesque, CEO, Argo Marketing Group

A fellow CEO asked me where I got my MBA, and my answer was succinct yet the same as always,U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Academy, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. When I graduated,I did not get a piece of parchment, I got a really cool hat and a whistle.

As an entrepreneur, you have to gather your education from non-traditional schools of higher learning. Whether it's the grocer down the street or the U.S. Army, effective leaders rely on their lifetime experiences to shape future decisions. 

psychology the ceo magazine
Steven Mundahl

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Weiner and General David Petraeus all share something in common. They were all intelligent leaders who indulged in self-destructive, risky behavior. As I began writing a book on authentic leadership, I found myself drawn to research the reasons behind such actions. Together with my wife, a psychotherapist and business coach, we discovered that Americans leaders have NOT lost their collective willpower or hit an all-time ethics low.

leadership - the ceo magazine

In today’s continually changing economic and political landscape along with the rapid innovation of technology, how can a leader keep up? In order to lead from the front, leaders need to continually learn, understand market trends and stay aligned with the company’s vision and mission. It’s not always inherent or easy to understand what leadership attributes they need to refine their skills given this environment.




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