the ceo magazine, leadership trust
Chas Klivans

Like you, I’ve been reading about Roger Ailes at Fox News. I have no idea if any of the allegations about him is true.  But I do have an experience — one I’ve kept secret for two decades — that illustrates how different a CEO’s public image can be from his behavior in private.  And I have witnessed how a CEO’s supporters see a completely different person than his victims see.


I'm not a care-taker. I seem to have missed that gene even as a woman. But then came the diagnosis - lung cancer - again. It was my husband. Now I push his wheel chair into radiation; fetch whatever he needs; and run errands while he focuses on recovery. As I dash to and fro, it caused me to reflect on what I can learn from this since every experience holds a lesson - if we have the mind and heart to see it.

Did you ever play a game as a child when you made up the rules as you went along? I’m guessing that those evolving rules often proved to be a source of contention!

Leaders at work find the same to be true. When managers decide to disregard their moral compass as the official business handbook, they begin to make up the rules as they move along. Anything can happen, and the situation frequently proves to be a source of conflict.



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