the ceo magazine, marketing,
Gerri Knilans, President, Trade Press Services

            CEOs run organizations. They are the highest-level executive officers in the company, and their primary duties include driving revenue and profit, making major corporate decisions and managing the overall operations and resources of a company. Even if the company is small, there’s still only one person at the top responsible for those key functions.As business becomes more competitive, complex and global, the need for CEOs to expand their knowledge beyond finance and operations to sales and marketing is an imperative.

the ceo magazine, viral marketing,

“Gone viral” is a phrase that marketers are desperately chasing these days. They all want their products to “go viral” and many businesses that have sprung up that provide services to make your product, idea or cause go viral. Now they may be effective or just making money off a latest fad, because “virality” seems to be a unpredictable and spontaneous. Yes, an interesting concept, a superior product, a heart tugging cause, clever advertising can increase the chances of virality, but there are so many ideas that have these characteristics but have failed to gather any significant attention. 

the ceo magazine, branding,
Lesley Everett, Author, Corporate Brand Personality

Have you considered the benefit to your organisation if you were to increase your visibility and exposure to the outside world?  Imagine developing your personal brand to a level that makes you so marketable and of such high interest that the invites come flooding in for panel appearances, digital and broadcast media interviews and presentations. How would this make you feel?



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