Dr. Rebecca Bigler, director of The University of Texas at Austin’s Gender and Racial Attitudes Lab, has done a number of experiments with preschoolers and colored T-shirts.  In one, she took a classroom of 4 and 5 year olds and put half in red T shirts and the other half in blue T shirts .  The children wore these colored T shirts for three weeks but teachers were instructed not to notice or mention the colors in any way.  At the end of the three weeks, children were asked to evaluate the skill, abilities, characteristics, and intelligence of each group.  

Wouldn’t it be nice if you always had a steady flow of business? A pace that is manageable?  Deadlines which are realistic? Forget it. It is not going to happen. It used to be that I could count on certain seasonal rushes. I knew there would be a mad dash to spend money and finish projects before my client’s year end or other peak times. I could also predict when business would be slow.

Colin D. Baird, Vice President, Sullivan Curtis Monroe

Executives I speak with are interested in learning more about how Dr. W. Edwards Deming from M.I.T., and Dr. Taichi Ohno transformed Toyota Motor Corp (TMC) from a small fledgling automatic loom company in 1924, into one of the world's most efficient, and profitable automotive companies in 2013. Toyota also maintains some of the highest levels of employee engagement in the business while maintaining the highest inventory turns, so how do they do it?



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