the ceo magazine, business management,
Justin E. Crawford, Founder, Agents of Efficiency

There are good reasons people take pride in DIY, but it can be a trap for small-business owners. It sucks precious time away from focusing on the core of the business — and there's nothing more valuable than your time.

the ceo magazine, growth culture,
Shawn Hunter, President & Founder, Mindscaling

What are you thinking about when you are thinking about obligation? What are you thinking about when you are thinking about the things you have to do?

Now, what are you thinking about when you are thinking about opportunity? What are you thinking about when you are thinking about the things you get to do?

The difference between these two things is the difference between indifference and energy, power, creativity and excellence. And it’s all in your mind, in how you see the world.

the ceo magazine, productivity,

In virtually every industry, productivity ebbs and flows, depending on myriad factors. When we see these fluctuations, we rightly conclude that they have occurred because of an increase or decrease in employment engagement.

We also hear countless suggestions for getting this right—for correcting the ebbs and banking on the flows. Now it’s time to challenge the ordinary and discover the top things leaders can do to ensure continued and constant engagement.



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