the ceo magazine, work life balance,
Fabrice Dumans, Co-founder & CEO, Timyo

“My number one priority is my family.”

I would guess that nearly all of us have said the above or something like it. I know I have. I’ve also said something like the following:

“Our company is growing really fast, it’s great! Plenty of 15-hour days, but you’ve got to give 100%!”

I meant both things when I said them, or, at least, I thought I did. But if I was working non-stop for months on was I prioritizing my family? I rationalized it the way that everyone does: “sure, I’m working really hard, but I’m doing it for them.” Putting insane hours and unlimited energy into work was something I was willing to do to make life better for my family, to build them a nicer life. The thing about a fulfilling life, though, is that it’s nice if there is a parent or a partner in it, not just some guy who comes home late at night and is back out the door early the next morning.

the ceo magazine, leadership tips,
Shayne Hughes & Brandon Black, Authors, Ego Free Leadership

A workplace without politics is as mythical as a unicorn. But when those politics undermine company morale, it’s time to take a closer look—before they cut into the bottom line.

Brandon Black was grappling with an all-too-familiar scenario in his then workplace. The erstwhile CEO of Encore Capital was struggling to grow the company given the challenging industry conditions. It didn’t help that a number of Encore’s leaders were locking horns with each other over a range of issues. Brandon himself was butting heads with one of his key executives, Dave.

No matter how hard they tried, Brandon and Dave couldn’t seem to communicate effectively with each other. To a bystander, their bickering would have recalled a married couple caught in a downward spiral—you know, conversations going nowhere, with each assuming the other was the problem, and that their communication would improve if only the other changed their behavior.

the ceo magazine, success habits,
Dennis C. Miller, Speaker. Author. Leadership Coach. CEO

Life has taught me a lot of things that I could never have learned in a classroom. Especially since I never excelled in the classroom as a kid. Rising above challenges is a key part of life and a major ingredient in becoming a successful leader. Every time I failed or fell down in life, I was determined to get back up on my feet and become stronger. I became more motivated to succeed. A friend once told me that the best form of revenge was success.  I think that’s one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever gotten. But there are 10 other life lessons that have helped me find my true path to becoming a leader and achieving my goals.



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