I have often said that a smart sociopath is a leader’s worst nightmare. These snakes in business casual generate more havoc in a shorter period of time than anyone else—and they often make doing so look good, at least in the short run.

But we don’t give enough attention to the second biggest problem: the overachieving, nose-to-the-grindstone, works-sixty-hours-a-week go-getter idiot. These people proudly put in more face time than anyone else, take the jobs that other eschew, and smugly announce that they have no time for a balanced life because their work defines them.  Although this list contains laudable behaviors, the operative word we should consider is “idiot.”

Human stars create energy in the organization, often causing explosions of ideas that send shock waves throughout the industry. The human supernovae also influence the formation of other luminaries. To position your company for growth in a global economy and to create the agility to respond to future unforeseen turbulence, you need to create the atmospheric conditions that will allow the stars to shine.

hiring top talent - The CEO Magazine
Michael Simpson, CEO of Pairin

At 25 years old, six months into my first time of leading a company, my mentor asked me why I was so stressed. I said, “We are doing a good job of understanding our customers and competition, and we’re providing good service. If I didn’t have staff problems, I would have very few problems at all.” More than two decades later, after 10 years of coaching executives in four countries, and now as the CEO of a software company that engages with executives around the world, it seems to me that 25-year-old leaders aren’t the only ones that share this sentiment.


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