the ceo magazine, productivity,
Juliet Funt, Founder & Owner, WhiteSpace at Work

My Jewish grandparents lived next door to the K-Street Deli in Brooklyn, where they made a rye bread praised though all the boroughs of New York. Every Friday my grandma sent my grandpa to buy one fresh loaf and all was right with the world. Except for when a certain, sexy Russian sales girl waited on him. Stanley was a timid man—a five foot nothing pharmacist. He would walk into the bakery, the little bell would ding, and he'd say, "I’d like one loaf of ‘dat great rye bread, please." She would thwap open the bag and toss in the bread. Then she’d turn to him, with just a hint of flour on her cleavage, and sensually say, “Vaddelse” (translation: "What else?")

the ceo magazine, employee engagement,
Brady Wilson, Co-founder, Juice Inc.

Do the people in your organization ever suffer from brain freeze?

No, not the after-effect of bolting down that ice-cold frappuccino. I’m talking about when employees’ and leaders’ brains shut down at work—and they are unable to access their knowledge, experience, skills and strengths.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many organizations are seeing this same troubling trend: they have workforces that are engaged, but exhausted.

the ceo magazine, productivity,
Gary Morais, CEO, Bottom Line Results

            The 80/20 Rule has long been an axiom for executives who tend to apply it to nearly every aspect of their businesses. The Rule postulates that 80 percent of results stem from 20 percent of activities; e.g. 80 percent of sales revenue is generated by 20 percent of the sales team—a soft metric for projecting the quality of workforce output.


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