
We’ve all seen it happen: A leader ascends to a top position, only to see their effectiveness erode because they believe they are superior to those they lead. When we error in defining reality we distance ourselves from realizing potential.

I recognize these errors because I have been guilty in committing them. Not everyone suffers these mistakes, though they occur with enough frequency in the ranks of leadership that it’s important to be aware of these causes of demise.  

I have created my Rules of Communication. They pretty much are the same rules for life. Sometimes people will say that they did not know that there were rules. That excuse never works for me when I say to the nice policeman that I did not know the speed limit was 25mph. He says, here’s the ticket.

Sports is a public example of protecting one’s value or not protecting one’s value, of communicating one’s value or doing a poor job of communicating one’s own value are easy targets to point out and to pick on whether the reader is a sports enthusiast or not.

the ceo magazine, remote workforce,
Simon Slade, CEO & Co-founder, SaleHoo

Hiring staff can be one of the greatest challenges for a business owner because expanding your team with great talent is a constant necessity. The trend of remote work is a response to that challenge. GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics.com suggests that 50% of the US workforce holds a job that is compatible with partially remote work, and 80-90% of the workforce would like to work remotely. As employees and employers alike recognize the desirable nature of this arrangement, more businesses are looking for ways to implement a remote workforce.

the ceo magazine, 3d printing,
John Hornick, Author, 3D Printing Will Rock the World

One Machine Does It All

US manufacturing output has steadily increased since the end of World War II, but manufacturing jobs peaked around 1975 and have been declining ever since. This means that US manufacturers have become very efficient, making more things with fewer people. But as we lose jobs to faraway places, a big question arises: What are Americans to do for work? As I explain in my new book, 3D Printing Will Rock the World (available on Amazon or Kindle), 3D printing may be a big part of the answer to that question.

Email is the scourge of our modern times. When I co-invented host-based email with my former partner Bob Green in 1984 it was because we found the telephone interrupted our creative processes. We wanted a way to communicate over mundane tasks, like when and where we would meet for lunch next week, without having to interrupt each other. We liked snail mail because the recipient could decide when they wanted to look for it.



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