Leslie Ungar

President of Electric Impulse Communications, Inc.
Akron, Ohio


There is a lot to admire about successful business people. Because they made millions or perhaps billions it sometimes overshadows their own inadequacies. It could even beg the question: are they successful because of themselves or in spite of themselves?

WOW - it started innocently enough. But then again, many battles may start innocently. It’s what happens after the first act when things go awry.

Let’s just say that when you find yourself in a Twitter war, you lose. And let’s add a period to that sentence.

At the least this was a stumble for the airline. At a higher cost, people may choose another airline. The challenge for the public is that there are not many choices to fly these days.


In communication the number three is an important number. From childhood we remember Ready, Set, Go, the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, and breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So it should come as no surprise that my most recent CEO lessons came in a series of three.

The Republican National Convention came to Cleveland and literally left with a bang . . . of fireworks shot over Lake Erie. The city learned lessons in security-police on bicycles are the most fluid to how to move masses of people-have every non-essential downtown employee work from home. We can learn from these communication lessons and apply them in our daily lives.

1. It’s not Red or Blue Just Boring

I have created my Rules of Communication. They pretty much are the same rules for life. Sometimes people will say that they did not know that there were rules. That excuse never works for me when I say to the nice policeman that I did not know the speed limit was 25mph. He says, here’s the ticket.

Sports is a public example of protecting one’s value or not protecting one’s value, of communicating one’s value or doing a poor job of communicating one’s own value are easy targets to point out and to pick on whether the reader is a sports enthusiast or not.



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