Linda Henman

Dr. Linda Henman is one of those rare experts who can say she’s a coach, consultant, speaker, and author. For more than 30 years, she has worked with Fortune 500 Companies and small businesses that want to think strategically, grow dramatically, promote intelligently, and compete successfully today and tomorrow. 

the ceo magazine, business management,

No one seems to agree about the origin of the term “sacred cow.” Before it emerged as an idiom in America in the last 19th century, some believe the term simply described the elevated place of cows in Hinduism. Or, the term could have originated with the legendary hero, Prithu, who assumed the form of a cow in order to encourage his subjects to raise more vegetables.

the ceo magazine, corporate culture,

How can leaders move beyond assigning blame and putting out fires?  Start with an arson investigation that includes looking for these early warning signs:

1. An inability among senior leaders to articulate the organization’s strategy

Most leaders can explain what they plan to do this week or this quarter, but fewer have the ability to put into words exactly why the company is in business, how they make money, where they want to be in five years, and what differentiates them from the competition. 

the ceo magazine, leadership

Walt Disney started a fire in the entertainment world that continues to burn decades after his death. Perhaps no single figure so dominated American—and indeed, even global—popular culture as Walt Disney did. Each year, millions view a Disney movie, visit his theme parks, watch his television shows, listen to his recordings, buy his products, and read his books. He has held sway in much that has touched our lives, inspiring millions of people and affecting billions of dollars.

the ceo magazine, change management,

We create organizational cultures as we go along, sometimes consciously, often unconsciously—but always through decisions. When leaders decide to build a powerhouse of excellence, they start by asking themselves what needs to change and what should stay the same.

the ceo magazine, ceo salary,

St. Louis Cardinal Matt Holliday makes $17 Million a year. A hot dog vendor at Busch stadium makes a little above minimum wage, or about $10 an hour. 

A professional baseball player and hot dog vendor both work in the same stadium for the same number of hours addressing the needs of ticket holders. However, it would take the hot dog guy a thousand years to match the one-year salary of a top player, yet no one complains.  In fact, most ardent fans would scoff at a comparison, pointing out that Matt Holliday and those of his ilk have practiced thousands of hours to hone the skills that make them the hometown favorites that can fill a stadium with fans who hope to see evidence of the player’s skills and past performance. If a top ranking player strikes out, throws balls instead of strikes, or generally performs badly, no one docks his pay.



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