Linda Henman

Dr. Linda Henman is one of those rare experts who can say she’s a coach, consultant, speaker, and author. For more than 30 years, she has worked with Fortune 500 Companies and small businesses that want to think strategically, grow dramatically, promote intelligently, and compete successfully today and tomorrow. 

the ceo magazine, hiring,

As the Baby Boomers face retirement, the federal government faces the problem of replacing them. Government officials must address the consequences of a bad hire, just as corporate companies do, with one important exception. Firing a civil servant is nearly impossible.

That’s why decision makers are once again considering the use of tests, something that they abandoned thirty-four years ago, not because the civil service exam didn’t work but because it drew criticism.

the ceo magazine, mergers and acquisitions,

We’ve all heard the doom and gloom statistics about mergers and acquisition. Even those that don’t move the financials to the wrong side of zero often fail to delight shareholders and stakeholders. Poor evaluation procedures take part of the blame—but only part. A failure to carefully plan for the integration has some culpability too. In the heat of finalizing the deal, integration is often left until the last minute or ignored entirely. To avoid the traps of integration, start by analyzing the Five Essential Traits for Successful M & A: vision, financial synergy, operations, talent, and culture.

the ceo magazine, mergers and acquisitions,

When companies merge or acquire, stakeholders usually expect that the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts. Unfortunately, the facts tell a different story. One plus one does not equal three, and too often it moves shareholder returns to the wrong side of zero. A once-exceptional organization can quickly take a turn toward mediocrity, or worse.

the ceo magazine, corporate culture,

“Culture,” the new buzzword of the financial recovery, has transformed from an ethereal, abstract otherworldly word to a blunt instrument for finding fault on myriad qualitative matters affecting the organization. When an individual, merger, or organization fails, culture takes the blame. We use the word fairly arbitrarily, citing it to explain why things don't change, won’t change, or can't change. It’s that subtle yet powerful driver that leaders strive—often futilely—to influence.

the ceo magazine, leadership

Media mavens and human resource professionals seem to collaborate periodically to establish, the cliché of the day. For a while it was “That being said.” Before that, it was touching base, doing a deep dive, cascading, at the end of the day, and the bottom line. Now we all need to “start the conversation.”

Pick any item in the news: racial unrest, trouble in the Middle East, immigration, or public school reform. Everyone wants to “start a conversation” or “join the conversation,” but no one actually changes anything, sets a deadline for accomplishing it, defines the tactics that would make sense, or establishes who’s in charge. All this might explain why Congress has just received its all-time lowest approval ratings.



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