All activities in support of formulating and communicating the value of the firm's offering to the target market in support of current and future sales.

Rasheen Carbin

There's been a lot of talk in recent years about the elevator pitch, so much so, that it's begun to intimidate people. Don't worry. You don't need to recite The Gettysburg Address.  It's just a short summary of who you are and what you do, not your complete résumé or everything that your company/product does.  It could be 30 seconds, but it should never go past 2 minutes. It's actually fairly easy to come up with one.  Here are 5 tips:

“So, What Do YOU Do?”

As a professional speaker and communication consultant, I have been asked for years by nervous entrepreneurs and professionals headed to networking meetings and live events about the best way to put together an “elevator speech.”

Ellen Rohr

 An Elevator Speech: A brief introduction of who you are, what you do and why one would be interested. 

I am a big fan of associations, of networking. I look for ‘eagles!’ I want to find folks who can teach me something. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars attending the best seminars.



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