the ceo magazine, technology,
Brian Lynott, CEO, ATL Communications

For our look at the intersection of technology and business, I’m going to ask you one multiple-choice question:  Today’s typical CEO has earned their leadership training from (select one):

 A.  Business school   B.  Liberal arts   C.  Tech    D.  On the job training

Spoiler alert: “D” is a trick answer: all CEOs are continuously learning as they lead their companies into greater growth.  Setting that aside, the correct answer is “C.”

the ceo magazine, leadership qualities,
Mike Canning, Strategy & Innovation Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP

In my leadership role, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work with some of the most innovative and dynamic leaders in business. In the face of a challenging and quickly changing global marketplace, I see many leaders who are thoughtful in their management approach, and respond with smart strategies and action.

the ceo magazine, innovation,

During the Roman republic, the river Rubicon marked the boundary between the Roman province of Cisalpine Gaul to the north-east and Italy proper to the south. The river distinguished not only the geographic boundaries for the province but also the military restrictions for governors and magistrates. Therefore, rulers required generals to disband their armies before entering Italy, and if a general entered Italy while exercising command of an army, both the general and his soldiers became outlaws who automatically faced death.



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