It’s 5 p.m. and you’re ready to leave the office and make the journey home. How do you spend this time between destinations? You could lament the inevitable rush-hour traffic, or tune in to your radio station of choice. But you can also use this time to reflect on your day and gradually switch gears (and priorities) between work and home life to find balance and peace between the two.



Consider asking yourself these four questions at least 10 minutes before you arrive home:

By D. Luke Iorio, PCC, CPC, ELI-MP, President & CEO at iPEC

The majority of leadership articles focus on what you can do to better lead, impact, and influence others. However, leading others isn’t possible unless you’re, first, leading yourself.

Those around you follow your lead, right? At least that’s the intention.

On October 22, 2013 America lost a hero, General Robinson Risner, Word War II combatant, Korean War ace and Vietnam prisoner of war senior leader. The history books will note Risner’s two Air Force Crosses, his courage under torture, his outstanding aviation in three wars, and his long commitment to the military. I will remember him for being nine feet tall.


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