the ceo magazine, decision making,

Walt Disney ignited a fire in the entertainment world that continues to burn brightly decades after his death. Perhaps no single figure has so dominated American, and indeed even global, popular culture the way Walt Disney has and still does. Each year, millions view Disney movies, visit theme parks that bear his name, watch Disney-branded television shows, listen to Disney recordings, buy Disney products, and read books by and about him. He still holds sway in much that has touched our lives, inspiring millions of people and generating billions of dollars.

the ceo magazine, leadership style,
Rajeev Peshawaria, CEO, The Iclif Leadership and Governance Centre

What do Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Lee Kuan Yew have in common? If you’re thinking they each created a better future through their remarkable leadership in business and society, you would be correct.  If you’re also thinking their leadership style was more autocratic than democratic, that would be correct too.  What? Autocratic leadership creates a better future? Could it really be true?

the ceo magazine, customer service,
Chip R. Bell

Walk into Sewell Lexus in Dallas, Texas.  A huge overhead light shaped like an upside-down diamond…bathes the bone-colored tile of the showroom in a soft glow. Offices are done in rich mahogany paneling. Large plants are everywhere, plus colorful fresh flowers. The sitting area has overstuffed leather couches centered on a rich oriental rug.  If this were a home it would be in Architectural Digest! You realize you are in a classy place when you are warmly greeted by everyone like you are guest in their home, not like easy prey for salespeople in search of a kill.  



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