the ceo magazine, innovation,
Soren Kaplan, Founder, InnovationPoint

Most corporate visions and missions sound alarmingly alike: “Become the number one provider of blah, blah, blah.” These generic, broad-based goals might rev up sales teams, but they do little to spark ingenuity. Perhaps the worst thing a company can do is give “innovation marching orders” without any guideposts. That’s when the focus gets lost, teams spin their wheels, and innovation culture gets crushed.

the ceo magazine, resilient organization,
Doug Hensch, President, DRH Group 

Both the Democratic and Republican candidates for President of the United States have “unfavorable” ratings by the general public that have never been seen before. Attack ads are the norm and the personal insults thrown by each side get louder, every day. The American public is getting weary of all this negativity and it’s sapping our resilience while pushing us further apart as a society.

the ceo magazine, remote workforce, learning agility,
Dr. Linda Gravett, Author, Learning Agility: The Impact on Recruitment and Retention

A culture of learning agility, or flexible learning, can be a true asset to any organization.  Learning agile employees provide creative, customer-focused approaches to help foster an energetic and ever-evolving workplace.  This is a company’s competitive advantage.



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