the ceo magazine, mergers and acquisitions,
Colin Earl, CEO, Agiloft

Mergers and acquisitions are for risk-takers, particularly when you consider that 83% of them fail to boost shareholder returns.[1] Despite these odds, M&A continues to appeal to companies of all stripes as offering the most direct path to achieving long-term strategy. The enduring siren song of M&A has generated troves of studies to identify why the failure rate is so high. The common culprits are differences in corporate culture and business systems. Collectively, these determine how a company does business.

the ceo magazine, technology,
Brian Lynott, CEO, ATL Communications

For our look at the intersection of technology and business, I’m going to ask you one multiple-choice question:  Today’s typical CEO has earned their leadership training from (select one):

 A.  Business school   B.  Liberal arts   C.  Tech    D.  On the job training

Spoiler alert: “D” is a trick answer: all CEOs are continuously learning as they lead their companies into greater growth.  Setting that aside, the correct answer is “C.”

I have often believed that small business owners are flexible, responsive and willing to try new things. They are also pretty optimistic when it comes to their businesses as reported by the NSBA’s Mid-Year Economic Report . But the big question is whether they are optimistic enough about business to spend money and where will they spend it.


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