By D. Luke Iorio, PCC, CPC, ELI-MP, President & CEO at iPEC

The majority of leadership articles focus on what you can do to better lead, impact, and influence others. However, leading others isn’t possible unless you’re, first, leading yourself.

Those around you follow your lead, right? At least that’s the intention.

the ceo magazine, leadership
Dr. Judith Orloff, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA

Are you addicted to power? Many leaders are, and it gets in the way of their personal and professional progress.

the ceo magazine, leadership

In more than thirty-five years of consulting, I have found that, at the upper echelons of large organizations, natural intelligence differentiates the successful leader from the “also ran.” While you’ll hear debates about the roles of emotional intelligence, vision, and the ability to motivate others, brainpower trumps all. Three main components define what I call Executive Intelligence: Critical thinking, learning ability, and quantitative skills. Of these, critical thinking—that “lick of sense” you hear so much about—is the most important and the least understood.

the ceo magazine

The emotion-based approach to preparing a speech is a novel idea in verbal communications. It considers a speech as an emotional journey for the speaker and his audience. The focus on emotions helps speakers prepare memorable speeches and impact their audience.

How would you prepare a speech for a dinner gala? Let’s follow the steps to write an emotion-based speech.

ceo magazine, communication
Ted Gorski, President, Get Your Edge, LLC

In today’s corporate world, leaders need excellent communication skills. Many are being asked to do more with fewer resources while also dealing with the stresses of a corporation that is downsizing and/or tightening budgets. To remain effective, leaders need near perfect communication skills regardless of their own communication type.  Understanding the style of the person you are communicating with can make the difference between getting your message across and getting it across well.



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