Sales is a company wide responsibility to help the frontline sales person capture revenue and keep the buyer financially engaged with the firm.

the ceo magazine, workplace conflict,
Claudia St. John, Author, Transforming Teams: Tips for Improving Collaboration and Building Trust

A client called recently with a major worry.  “We have a big problem with our customer service representatives (CSRs) not getting along with our sales people.  Our CSRs are not being supportive of the new sales associates that we just hired,” she shared.  “If our company is to survive, we need these new sales associates to be motivated and productive and I’m worried they may quit. Can you do anything to help?”

the ceo magazine, sales,
Carmit Yadin, Author, “How to BOOM B2B Sales”

You have an idea. You start a company. You develop, refine and produce your solution or product.

You stand back and take rightful pride in your creation. Now what?

You have to sell it!

The word “innovation” is such a constant in meetings around the world that it has almost become a contender for “corporate buzzword bingo.” Although it is often over-used it is not always well understood in terms of how it should be implemented into organizational culture, or even how it might be best used as a frame for evaluating business strategy.



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