the ceo magazine, business growth,
William Vanderbloemen, President/CEO, Vanderbloemen Search Group

In March of 2010, I left my job, my wife and I put our life savings on the table, and we started a business. We were committed to building it from scratch - debt-free and with no venture capital. Our new business – a search firm serving churches – faced challenges from the beginning.  The idea of executive search was a new one for churches, and the economy at the time wasn’t too forgiving to young start-up businesses.

the ceo magazine, entrepreneurship,
Brent Schafer, CEO & Founder, Vuevent

My business partner, Jimmy Derocher, and I met at my freshman year of college at Whitworth University in Spokane, WA and instantly became great friends. Jimmy was a computer science and mathematical economics major. I was a business major, with experience with start-ups and three international internships. We had a lot of interests in common - ping pong, video games, technology, economics, politics, etc. Our most important similarity, though, was the high level of dedication we exhibited at all we put our minds to. We couldn’t rest until we had finished what we had started, in any endeavor. It is the intrinsic motivation to follow-through that makes Jimmy and I successful partners.

Joanna Weidenmiller, CEO, 1-Page

In today’s fast moving markets, well-established firms are often accused of failing to come up with breakthrough innovations. Based on the resources available to them, they should be best positioned to deliver innovative products and technologies in their fields, but too often they seem to lose ground against smaller and more agile players. It probably was the modern combination of the internet and the rise of venture capitalists that changed the name of the game, by opening up a new source of disruptive innovation across every industry: the startup.



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