No one I know has enough time. However, it is possible to better use the time you have. The following four beliefs about time are often counterproductive. A change in perception could improve your use of time, giving you more time for your leadership tasks.

the ceo magazine, learn mandarin,
Wendy Huang, CEO of the China Success Institute

Taking the time and energy to learn a Chinese dialect can be difficult and intimidating for even the most seasoned and cultured CEO. Furthermore, given English’s status as the primary business language of the world, many American CEO’s don’t see why they shouldn’t just leave the speaking of Chinese to the trained professional translators. However, even a remedial understanding and comprehension of a Chinese dialect delivers many intangible benefits that can provide any CEO with a lasting competitive advantage in the Chinese, Asian and broader international business markets.

the ceo magazine, high paying careers,
Laurence Shatkin, PhD, Author, Your Guide to High-Paying Careers

One way to earn high wages compared to other people in your occupation is to get a job in a high-paying industry. Sometimes the difference in pay can be dramatic. For example, chemists who are employed in the oil and gas extraction industry average twice the earnings of those in the educational services industry. But you need to be realistic about your ambitions.

the ceo magazine,  open minded leadership,
Marcia Reynolds, Author, The Discomfort Zone

The greatest asset of a CEO is having a pipeline of mentally developed leaders who actively seek to learn more about themselves and their work. A bench of leaders who are constantly growing their minds ensure successful management, transitions, and a sustainable competitive advantage.

stress management,
Anne Grady, Author, 52 Strategies for Life, Love and Work
3 Stress-Busting Strategies for Life and Work

Stress is such a big part of our daily lives; it’s sometimes hard to tell how much of it is due to our environment and how much is self-inflicted. One thing is for sure though: our hyper-connected lifestyles today have created a new normal when it comes to living with stress.



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