the ceo magazine, corporate culture,

Like most other automakers, GM has faced the ups and downs of a troubled industry, but until last year, it had remained a powerhouse since its inception in 1908. GM led global vehicle sales for 77 consecutive years from 1931 through 2007, longer than any other automaker, but then things changed. They faced bankruptcy in 2009 and a recall scandal in 2014.

~~Getting Great People and Keeping Them are Two Very Different Things

Part of the formula for a vibrant and sustainable culture is hiring inspired and talented people. But, it’s not enough for you to bring people on board who share your values and your purpose. You need to keep these people on board. In most cases, if you’re charismatic, passionate and compelling enough, you’ll usually be able to sell something to someone, whether it’s a product, service or a position within your company. The real challenge however is holding onto the client, or the talented employee. So what’s the formula?

Blame destroys motivation and trust
Todd C. Williams, Founder & President, eCameron, Inc.

Listening to last year's debate on the troubles with the website it struck me how the blame game destroys business. What at times was more finger pointing than substantive debate about the Obamacare website revolved around "who are we going to fire" rather than how do we make government projects successful and prevent reoccurring failures. And, just when I thought it was over, earlier this week I heard Bill O'Reilly, amidst a solid grilling of President Obama, ask "Why didn't you fire Sebelius?"



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