the ceo magazine, customer experience,
Noah Fleming, Author, The Customer Loyalty Loop

Most companies believe the customer experience starts once the prospect has given you money and has become a customer. They're wrong.

The experience starts long before a prospect has ever made a purchase and continues long after that first sale is made. The customer is experiencing through every interaction with your company.

Kirk Krappe, Co-founder & CEO, Apttus

Your B2B customers expect services and products now. They expect these things quickly, and they expect fulfilment over any channel. Some may blame Amazon; the ease of use that people have come to expect out of B2C has carried over into what they expect from B2B. Others might hold the sheer accessibility of information (the Internet), services (apps like Uber or Instacart) or people (channels like Skype or WhatsApp) accountable.

the ceo magazine, customer service,
Chip R. Bell

She was over-the-top friendly. Her eye hugs made you feel like you were in the presence of a forever friend.  As she rang up my purchase at the checkout counter of the super-sized department store, she commented on my cowboy boots. “You’re either from Texas or you got a heap of cowboy in your blood,” she teased as she put my purchases in a shopping bag.  Then she added, “I put a discount coupon in your bag for apple cider; you know you always need extra cider during the winter!”



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