the ceo magazine, leadership,
Maria E. Meyers & Kate Pope Hodel, Authors, Beyond Collisions

Building an entrepreneurial network is, at its heart, a work of collaboration and community change. And that kind of endeavor requires a very special kind of leader, one who knows how to build bridges, engage a very broad community, nurture relationships and get everyone focused on the really “big hairy audacious goal.”

Many business leaders resolve to jump-start their networking game in the New Year, a resolution more often than not accompanied by a vague sense of dread.

Question:  Why do so many of us dislike the concept of networking? 

Answer:  Networking has a reputation as a manipulative, self-serving, ineffectual, sleazy endeavor involving hard sells and soft cheese. 

Business Strategy, Leadership, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Customer Affinity, Employee Performance, Growth, Business Growth, Entrepreneur, Leadership Attributes

One of the most impactful areas to create a radical shift in business growth and results is to be able to distinguish between what you are doing” each day (i.e., work deliverables) and who you are being as a leader.   All businesses are results oriented, but what is it that makes one business more successful than another in a similar market? How is it that one company can cultivate more clients, more revenue, and attract more talent to their company? 

Within an organization, there is an energy flow.   I refer to it as the “Infinite Possibilities Cycle.”



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