the ceo magazine, sales
Nikolaus Kimla, CEO, Pipeliner Sales Inc. 

The inner-workings of business can be a tricky game. Prospects looking to invest to any degree in your company must be skillfully shown their need for your product or service in such a way that they become convinced of it. It then turns into the ultimate chase of gently but firmly closing the deal.

The factor of competition adds a whole other layer to a business strategy. Some businesses chose to virtually ignore competition; others simply do their best to knock it if it comes up during the sales cycle; still others will go as far as to lie about it to prospects in an effort to kick it out of their minds.

the ceo magazine, sales

Brace yourself!  Sales management, sales trainers and motivational speakers are the number one carriers of Sales Call Reluctance.  This was the finding of George Dudley and Shannon Goodson of Behavioral Sciences Research Press. This is not to say all sales managers, trainers, and motivational speakers carry sales call reluctance; however, the reason they do might be more obvious than you would think.

ceo magazine, negotiation,
Tim Phillips, Managing Director, Revenade, LLC

It's a pretty safe bet that at various times in your life, you will have to negotiate - for a business contract, a new car, or even a personal relationship.  Obviously, you want to walk away satisfied that you have made the best deal.  And you will want the person you are negotiating with to walk away satisfied as well, because a successful negotiation is one in which everyone feels they have gained in some way.

ceo magazine, sales
Meridith Elliott Powell, Author, Winning In The Trust & Value Economy

When the economy started to struggle in late 2008, so did the consumer—emotionally, as well as financially. At first, consumers, like businesses, contentedly waited for the economy to bounce back. But, as the bounces took longer and were far less impressive than expected, consumer confidence began to wane.

ceo magazine, sales

Recently a seasoned salesperson admitted that he is experiencing Sales Call Reluctance. He shared that he has been wildly successful and unstoppable until recently. A shift in his industry has thrown him for a loop. He’s developed a viable plan for a new market, but he is frankly “afraid to pick up the phone.”



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