Guest Blogger

Posts by Thought Leaders and Business Leaders who are not our regular bloggers but have valuable insights and personal stories to share with our readers.

the ceo magazine, sales,
John Asher, CEO, Asher Strategies

When most elite salespeople meet a new buyer in person, they will follow a simple three-step process:


  1. Build rapport by getting the buyer to talk about what they want to talk about.
  2. Perform a robust, disciplined needs analysis to understand the buyer’s needs.
  3. Offer a solution that is a perfect fit.
the ceo magazine, organizational culture,
Mostafa Sayyadi, Author, Transformational Leadership: How To Prosper as a Leader In Today's Hypercompetitive Environment

Today‘s global business environments involve a high level of uncertainty and organizations will increasingly need more and better executives to manage them. Some executives may be more innovative and creative but some type of management is necessary to lead a global organization.

the ceo magazine, innovation,
Dr. Kumar Mehta, Author, The Innovation Biome

Every business leader wants to bring transformative and world changing innovation to their customers.  They want to bring new and novel value to the world, and in doing so reap the vast rewards that come with being a trailblazing innovator.  They often have multiple ideas and plans in front of them that show promise or sound good on paper, but they don’t know which ones to support and which ones to pass on.  CEOs need a consistent and systematic approach to determine which ideas to pursue.  In other words, they need a currency to effectively invest in innovation.

the ceo magazine, sales,
Ashley Welch and Justin Jones, Founders, Somersault Innovation

The Pitch—when we present a solution to a client for consideration—is both an exciting and nerve-wracking time. Many of us rehearse for hours, especially for a big deal. And many more of us make the wise choice of incorporating visual aids with which to engage our prospects. And…we succeed! We win deals every day. So, what’s the problem?

the ceo magazine, business growth,
Brett Richards, Founder & President, Connective Intelligence, Inc.

In today’s volatile market, where speed and performance are critical to business success, CEOs face an unprecedented number of challenges to accelerate growth and differentiate themselves from their competitors. Now more than ever before, leaders need to take the guesswork out of driving growth with better metrics to identify the previously hidden, yet vital factors influencing their organization’s ability to innovate and change in adaptive ways. In my new book, Grow Through Disruption, I introduce a tool called the OGI (Organizational Growth Indicator) that provides CEOs and Executives with metrics to quantify the hidden people and culture dynamics that influence their organization’s ability to grow and achieve sustained success. The following are some actionable insights for CEO’s explored in the book.



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